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welcome to the shower thoughts series.
Welcome to The Shower Thoughts Series—a blog about it ALL. I'm here to dish out the good, the bad, and the ugly parts of life as a 21st century suburban twenty-something just trying to find her way. Laugh, cry, let yourself feel all the feels and join me on this wild ride.
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Selena Frongillo
Nov 3, 20234 min read
A BFF Breakup
Romantic breakups are devastating. No matter if you’re the one ending the relationship or if you’re the one getting dumped, it typically...

Selena Frongillo
Mar 5, 20236 min read
So Long to the Long Distance Blues
When you search the term "long distance relationship" on Google, about 931 million results show up. Many, seeking help on how to make an...

Selena Frongillo
Jan 30, 20232 min read
Learning from Our Inner Circle
Have you ever had someone in your life—a parent, a friend, a romantic partner—that has "wow'd" you? Not in the, got you an expensive...

Selena Frongillo
Jul 11, 20223 min read
Spilling the Beans
Dating. The six letter word that used to make my skin crawl, head ache, and stomach turn. It was exhausting. Sifting through...

Selena Frongillo
Sep 9, 20213 min read
Breakup Bootcamp
We've all been there. That one (or many) guy or girl who hooked us in, doing all the right things at first or for a while, just to throw...

Selena Frongillo
Jul 8, 20213 min read
How to Up Your Friend Game
Friendship, to many of us, is one of the most sacred relationships that we hold near and dear to our hearts. It is a relationship that...

Selena Frongillo
Jun 24, 20214 min read
4 Things Causing Your Dating Downfall
Dating. The six letter word that throws men into hunting mode and women into a downward spiral. As Gen-Z women, we are conditioned to...

Selena Frongillo
May 27, 20213 min read
10 Date Ideas to Make Dating Actually Fun
June is right around the corner which means hot girl summer is officially: activated. For the singles out there, this probably means...

Selena Frongillo
Apr 29, 20213 min read
10 Signs He's Just Not That into You
We've all been there (some of us, too many times than we care to count) - we start talking to a guy, and while it's all fun and games for...

Selena Frongillo
Feb 11, 20215 min read
Grief is a Cold Stone B*tch
Grief: a five letter word that cuts like a knife, as we all have experienced loss in one form or another. Whether it was losing your...

Selena Frongillo
Feb 4, 20214 min read
3 Reasons Why You Crave Toxic Relationships
Let's admit it - we've all jammed out to the 2003 Britney Spears hit screaming, "With a taste of the poison paradise, I'm addicted to...

Selena Frongillo
Nov 30, 20203 min read
'Tis the (Cuffing) Season
It's almost December, which means decking out our houses with holiday decorations, eating our body weight in baked goods, and binging...

Selena Frongillo
Nov 13, 20203 min read
Finding Your One True Love (Language)
Love - what a concept. Whether you’re in a long-term relationship, living up the single life, or going through a breakup, at the end of...

Selena Frongillo
Jun 27, 20203 min read
The Breakup Guide...for the Guy You Never Dated
Hellooo to my Shower Thoughts readers! Thanks for tuning into this weeks’ shower thought - how to get over the guy you never dated. Okay,...

Selena Frongillo
Apr 28, 20203 min read
Maybe Our Girlfriends Are Our Soulmates
Girlfriends. Where the hell would we be without our ladies, our chicas, our soul sisters? Some of us might still be sitting on a bar...
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